Six Tips to Make You More Productive (0015)
The other day I had great intentions. I had a list from my wife, a list from my office, and a personal list of a few things I needed to get done.
I had a plan, and it was clear…but by the end of the day, I failed. I completed very few items on the list.
What happened?
I got distracted; it's as simple as that.
So I ran across a few helpful tips I thought I would pass along…in case you have struggled with the same issue.
Here are six tips to help you win the day:
1. Tell Your Smartphone to Dummy Up!
There's nothing like a buzzing, beeping, or musical notification to pull you out of your zone. Noncritical notifications have their place, but not in your focus space. Turn them off. Or better yet, put your phone on focus mode for periods of time throughout the day.
2. Stop Multitasking
Science shows that our brains don't multitask. We switch from one task to another – usually without completing any to a greater or lesser extent. Choose a task, focus on it, and be done.
3. Take Control of Your Calendar
To see how much you can accomplish in one day, take to-do's, email reading and responding, and myriad tasks and schedule them on your calendar. It will help you set realistic workday goals.
4. Take a Break!
Our minds aren't geared for hours of nonstop concentration. So some people use the Pomodoro Technique (Add this Hyperlink: – 25 minutes of concentrated work, then a five-minute break. Don't underestimate the power of a break.
5. Control Your Meetings
Try scheduling an hour meeting for only 45 minutes. Better yet, keep most meetings at 30 minutes. Then, people will be more focused, and the one-hour-plus meeting will become a thing of the past.
6. Consider a Big 3 List
Most of the time, both large and small tasks clutter our lists. We are tempted to check off the little things and leave the essential items for another day. Instead, consider writing down the three most important things you need to do that will truly make a difference each day and focus your morning time on those items.
Perhaps if I had applied a couple of these, my day would have been more productive!
I would love to hear some of your tips. Hit reply and send me a few.
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